NAVHDA Annual Meeting Minutes 2-2-2013
2/2/2013- 2:07 PM
Meeting called to order by Dan Whitman
Memebers introduced themselves
Erv Comer gave the treasury report
Dan Witman went over the club equipment list and a few items were added to the list.
Members gave $120.00 for a scholarship fund per last meeting. Dan suggested that the funds be donated to the National NAVHDA riser fund. Ted Hamilton moved to send the money to the National NAVHDA riser fund, the motion was seconded and the motion passed.
Question of whether to pay Bonnie to create the newsletter, yes or no. John Ruttman will be point person for gathering information for the website to be sent to Coleen Carpenter to be placed on the club site. Alan motioned to improve the website and to not continue with the newsletter. Motion was seconded and motion passed.
Ryan Johnson, a new member, has an IT background and volunteered to help with the website.
It was determined that there is not time to do a fun hunt this year and it should be viewed as a fund raiser. Dan Wittman motioned to have a fun hunt in 2013, the motion was seconded and the motion passed.
Erv, Tim, and Anita have the details that are needed to run the fun hunt.
Scott mentioned that the Forest Service has restrictions on making money on Federal Lands. Details of the restrictions to be investigated. Scott Melving to look into details and report back to the board.
Should the spring test be 2 or 3 days. The dates will be April 20th and 21st.
Judges will be Dick Alan, Herb Schroeder and the senior judge will be Larry Lawton.
Ted does not have enough Pheasant or quail and has 50 chukkar. Greg S. will check for birds to take to the spring test.
The club will attempt to raise money during the test and it is the field marshals responsibility to organized fund raiser and people to work the test.
There are no judges yet scheduled for the fall test which will be held December 6,7,and 8th in Mojave Valley at Anita’s.
Dan had concern of PETA infiltration into the club. It has been determined that our club s small enough that this person could be easily identified.
Motion to hold the spring 2014 test on April 12th and 13th to avoid conflict with San Diego chapter spring test. Motion was seconded and motion passed.
Typically the 4th weekend of the month.
Feb. 23rd, Mar. 23th, Apr. 6th, May 11th or 18th, June 15th or 22nd.
July- May have clinic instead due to fire hazards. Dan motioned to have a duck calling clinic in July. Motion was seconded and motion passed.
It was mentioned that a sign-in sheet would be good to have at the training fields to help organized the day.
We need to have more cleaning days. Also would be good to clean the hunt club pond in exchange for discount on the use of the big house for test use.
Shirts- need green and tan shirts.
May change supplier of shirts to a neighbor of Dennis Tabas.
The club does not have the fund at the time to buy a trailer.
Motion to put in bid for 2015 Annual NAVHDA meeting. Erv and Mary will work on bid. Motion was seconded and motion passed.
Do the Ore snake avoidance class with Gene.
Greg Fry clinic is $550 for June 8th and will be $100/head. Motion to have Greg Fry in for a clinic June 8th. Motion was seconded and motion passed. Clinic will be limited to 25 people to allow for more 1-on-1 time.
Erv suggested a duck raffle in 2013 and to sell 3 or 4 blinds.
Existing board members have a 2 year term and 1 yr left.